Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Patricia Piccinini Inspired Photoshop Task

This photoshop image that I created using CS5 photoshop was inspired by the artworks of Patricia Piccinini. Since Patricia Piccinini likes to create genetically modified creatures for her sculptures, I tried to mix up a horse's head and a maggot's body. Also I created 'Flower Nuggets' which was inspired by Patricia Picinini's Car Nuggets. 

To start with, I edited the background Image that I took from the city. I rotated the image using rotation-arbitrary tool so it looks like it has taken from the correct angle. Also I adjusted the image by using curves tool which changes the contrast, brightness and saturation. Then I added a lens flare from the filter icon. Lastly I used the gradient tool to make the corners and edges a little bit darker than middle. 

For the Image of Horse-maggot, I added two different layers for each images. I used the magic wand tool to copy a part of horse that I need and pasted on to the image of maggot. Then I used the liquify tool from filter to alter the head of horse, as if it is genetically modified. 

Lastly for the Flower Nuggets, I used the lasso tool to select the part of flowers that I need. Then I used the liquify tool to make it more like a nugget. After creating the Flower Nugget, I duplicated the layer and re-sized the images, using free transform tool.

I enjoyed this session better than the surrealist landscape task. I could understand the artistic concept of Patricia Piccinini and apply it to my own artwork. One thing that I was disappointed with this task was that I did not have enough time to plan it and create a better photo. If I had another chance to do this task, I would think more carefully about how Patricia Piccinini creates her sculptures. Although I was rushing through the session, I  really liked the steps and processes that I had to go through.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Photos taken from the city

My favourite photos from city

Following five photos are the photos that I taken from the city.
I edited them using Photoshop to change its texture, colour and size. 

1. I like this photo of six drink bottles because of the way they are lined up.
The colour, which I changed a little bit, gives a vintage feeling.
The sequence of these bottles made this photo particularly interesting,
and how simple & vivid colours like red, green and blue is used in bottles.

2. I have taken this photo in Black & White,
which gives the eerie, depressing and scary feeling of this building.
On sunny days, this building looks warm and antique, 
however I wanted to show the contrasting characteristic of it.

3. I love this photo, how those mass of posters are narrowly placed next to each other.
Also I tried to give a vintage feeling by editing the colours.

4. I tried to boost the colours to make these fruits look more fresh.
I like this photo because the colour of fruits are all vivid,
 and their shape is all spherical.
It gives me an image of typical fruit seller on Sunday morning,
all new, fresh and sweet. 

5. The original photo of this piece is actually focused on the Federation Square.
But I liked the "Hungry?" sign in front of it and I cropped and closed up.
I edited the colour, so that the sky looks more blue, like it is in country side.
By just looking at this photo, I cannot assume that it is taken in the city.
A large space around this sign makes the photo look more peaceful, than busy.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Patricia Piccinini's art works - my favourites

These are my favourite artworks of Patricia Piccinini's.

These are surrealistic sculptures and also hyper-realistic.
I like this first image of baby because it looks like a new born pug puppy.
Patricia Piccinini's hyper-realism makes her sculpture look like its real,
so people might find it disturbing to see. 

This second image looks like an 'old' baby in its bed.
He somehow looks like a monkey with extremely large eyes.
I actually found its face cute, because of the eyes.
However I don't like all those wrinkles around its neck and face.

I found this image quite funny because of the young boy's face.
He looks like an animal if I only look at is mouth and nose.
Also it is really weird that he is doing an acrobatic action on a goat.
I like it how Patricia made the boy's body look really heavy,
but he can stand with his one arm.

I think this piece is really cute. 
I love Patricia's idea of making an motorcycle into two cute little creatures.
They kind of look like slugs made of metal.

This last image of mother and baby is quite weird.
The mother is a monkey and she is breast feeding her baby.
I like it how she has a human baby and holding her baby like a real mother.
Also its really interesting that the mother doesn't have any hair on her body,
but only on her face and head.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Sheep Feast - Surrealist Photoshop Task

Sheep Feast (created by Jessica)

This is my Surrealist Photoshop Task that I've done in my art class.To explain how I created this photo, I got two back ground images which are fireworks and farmland.Then I made the firework the very basic background image of this photo. I created another layer for the farmland and using polygonal lasso tool, I deleted the sky to make the fireworks appear. Next I got photos of each warwolf and sheep. Using the same method, I deleted the back ground of warwolf and sheep. For each image, i created a new layer. Then I applied Hue/Saturation for warwolf and sheep. Then I duplicated the image of sheep many times by pressing command+c and command+v.I changed the size of each sheep images, using free-transform tool (command+t).After changing colours of sheep with Hue/Saturation tool, I created new layer for speech bubble.To create the speech bubble, I used Elliptical Marque tool and polygonal lasso tool to draw a basic outline of it.Then I pressed shift+F5 for fill effect and ctrl+right click for blending option and stroke. I inserted the text using the text tool.

I didn't enjoy this task that much because I felt quite boring with photoshop.
The process was not that hard, but I wanted to created something more funny.
If I have another session to create surrealist landscape photo, I would try a person in chocolate mud cake or something like that.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Artworks that amaze, inspire and shock me :)

Artworks that inspires me.

Saxton Freymann art
Saxton Freymann's Artwork

This artwork inspires me because the artist have used extraordinary materials to create a totally different artwork. This inspires me that I could use variety of materials around me not only a canvas and watercolours. It is very interesting that the artist of this piece has used the characteristics of each vegetables efficiently to imitate penguins, pig and a dog.

maya bloch art
Maya Bloch's Artwork

I love this painting of five people sitting next to each other and inspires me as well. It is quite scary how they look and stare at me. Although their faces look pretty aweful, I like the way the artist used a colourful paints. This inspires me in the way that colourful paints and ghosty features can get along with each other very well.

Artworks that shock me.
 equinox peterio
Peterio's Artwork

This artist has created his artpiece by using a method called 'photo manipulation'. It is surreal and shocking that I wondered how he made this artpiece. I love surrealistic artworks because it is absolutely amazing and beautiful.

jennifer maestre art
Jennifer Maestre's Artwork

I like this artwork because of the matarial that Jennifer Maestre has used. It looks very spiky and interesting. All these sharpened pencils gives me an idea of porcupine with all it's spikes stood up.

Artworks that amaze me.

david ellis art
David Ellis' Artwork

This piece of David Ellis is absolutely stunning. I like all the patterns that he used such as polka dots and strips at the pack. The eye of this piece looks very sharp and scary. Also its very nice how David Ellis has put some dots around its eye.


Salvador Dali's Artwork

As I mentioned above, I love surrealist artists like Salvador Dali. It is amazing and stunning that Salvador Dali has combined a big tree with a book and a sea.



(original paint)
Anita Steckel's Artwork

This is an appropiration artwork is based on the portrait of Mona Lisa. Anita Steckel has changed Mona Lisa's face skinnier. Mona Lisa is holding a brush that, I assume, she used for drawing a massive picture of a city as a background.

(original bag)
Meryl Smith's Artwork.

It is very funny that Meryl Smith has made a brand new design of Louis Vuitton bag for her pet dog. I like this because there are so many people carring a imitated bag of Louis Vuitton.