I like this first image of baby because it looks like a new born pug puppy.
Patricia Piccinini's hyper-realism makes her sculpture look like its real,
so people might find it disturbing to see.
This second image looks like an 'old' baby in its bed.
He somehow looks like a monkey with extremely large eyes.
I actually found its face cute, because of the eyes.
However I don't like all those wrinkles around its neck and face.
I found this image quite funny because of the young boy's face.
He looks like an animal if I only look at is mouth and nose.
Also it is really weird that he is doing an acrobatic action on a goat.
I like it how Patricia made the boy's body look really heavy,
but he can stand with his one arm.
I think this piece is really cute.
I love Patricia's idea of making an motorcycle into two cute little creatures.
They kind of look like slugs made of metal.
This last image of mother and baby is quite weird.
The mother is a monkey and she is breast feeding her baby.
I like it how she has a human baby and holding her baby like a real mother.
Also its really interesting that the mother doesn't have any hair on her body,
but only on her face and head.